Singing lessons in Munich for beginners and advanced students in Rock, Pop, and Jazz


U6, S7 or Bus 54 / X30 (and many others), Stop: Harras
Address: Passauerstraße 24, 81369 Munich

East Station / Ostbahnhof

U-Bahn, S-Bahn, Bus, Stop: East Station
Address: Pariser Straße 21, 81667 Munich


Pop Singing

Pop singing offers you many possibilities for interpretation. In jazz and rock as well, the singer’s personal expression is in the foreground. Timbre and phrasing differ significantly from classical singing, which is often found partially in musical theater as well.

Rock and Jazz

Different stylistic devices are used depending on the genre. Jazz singing leaves much room for interpretation, while rock expresses the energy and power of the voice. In singing lessons, you get plenty of space to work on your style.




We start from the speaking voice and keep the larynx and muscles relaxed and naturally at speech level while singing. Alicia Keys, Beyonce, Ed Sheeran, and many more use this technique.

The background is that we start from our speaking voice and use the entire speech apparatus, instead of just using a partial area, as in other styles (e.g., classical).

Singers and speakers thus have the ability to use their voice over a long period without tiring.


  • Hoarseness
    Relaxed singing and speaking through proper technique

  • Technique
    With the right technique, singing becomes easier for you

  • Voice
    Your personal sound for individual expression

  • Intonation
    With the right exercises, you’ll find the right notes

  • Endurance
    Your voice stays fit longer with the right training

  • Repertoire
    Working on your favorite songs turns theory into practice




Do you love singing in the shower, in the car, or just for yourself? Maybe you’ve never had singing lessons before but want to get to know your voice better and discover what you’re capable of. Whether you’re a bit shy or simply enjoy singing for fun – we’ll help you learn the basics, build your confidence, and sing your favorite songs with joy and ease.

Advanced Singers

Vielleicht stehst du bereits als Sängerin auf der Bühne oder bist Frontsänger einer Band. Professioneller Gesangsunterricht hilft dir dabei dich auf eine Aufnahmeprüfung oder die Recording Session im Studio vorzubereiten. Wenn du Angst hast vor Publikum zu singen oder mit einem Profi an deinen Lieblingssongs arbeiten möchtest, dann können wir dich bei deinem Vorhaben unterstützen.

Speakers / Actors

If speaking is essential in your profession, you can give your voice even more expression and increase its resilience with the right technique. Although you continue to speak in a relaxed manner, your voice gets more resonance and thus sounds louder.


In almost all areas of life, it’s important to be true to yourself. But especially in singing, many try to sound like someone else. In singing lessons, we show you that you already have the best prerequisites for a trained singing voice within you. Our goal is to find and train your voice. YOU are YOU and should stay as YOU are.




We work with various vocal exercises to effectively train your voice.


Warm-up exercises are important to activate your body. With the right energy, you can master the singing exercises effortlessly.

Vocal Technique

Vocal Technique

Proper breathing helps you sing relaxed. We work on your voice to optimize vocal placement and increase your range.

Your Favorite Songs

Your Favorite Songs

Expand your repertoire and give your favorite songs a personal touch. In singing lessons, your needs are the priority.


Band Feel

Singing means giving your emotions a voice. So that the fun isn’t lost in all the seriousness, we also work with high-quality backing tracks for the vocal exercises. Real band feeling even for vocal exercises at home.

Professional Backing Tracks

After the mandatory comes the freestyle. Professional backing tracks help you feel the energy that makes your favorite songs so special. This way, you always feel like you’re really making the music you like to listen to.

Online Lessons

The Corona crisis also had its advantages. In certain cases, singing lessons can now also be taken online. Working professionals especially appreciate this advantage. This online variant offers you great flexibility.

Practical Relevance

Your performance in singing lessons is not representative of your everyday life. That’s why you need an honest singing teacher who anticipates what challenges await you in practice. On stage, in the car, or in the shower.

Trial Lesson

With your no-obligation trial lesson, you take the first step towards singing lessons. You talk with your singing teacher about your wishes and goals and how you will achieve them.

Write to Us Now

Send us a message to arrange an appointment for your no-obligation trial lesson. We look forward to meeting you and singing together!

Schedule your no-obligation trial lesson here

 If you enjoy singing and want to improve your voice together with us, then send us a message now!


Finding the right vocal coach in Munich

When looking for a voice teacher in Munich, people often ask themselves: How do I find the right vocal coach for my needs?

We want to connect you with the ideal vocal coach. Our voice teachers teach according to the same philosophy: singing is an extension of speech.

All voice teachers at Munich Vocal Coaching have additional pedagogical qualifications and have been awarded the quality certificate by the Musicians’ Association. The certificate underlines the professional work of the voice teachers.

Vocal Coach or
Voice Teacher?

In common usage, “Vocal Coach” is simply a modern version and synonymous with the term voice teacher.

However, in practice, one could define a few differences between a voice teacher and a vocal coach:

Vocal Coach

Vocal coaches are primarily known from TV formats like “Voice of Germany” or “Deutschland sucht den Superstar.” There, vocal coaches work with singers on their repertoire and give them performance tips. A coach’s work is often related to a specific project.

Voice Teacher

Voice Teacher

The voice teacher teaches proper vocal technique to beginners and advanced vocal students and helps them get started with learning to sing. A voice teacher’s work often refers to a long period during which they accompany their vocal students.


The teacher theoretically starts their work from “zero” and is therefore the ideal partner for singing beginners.

In most cases, the vocal coach gives the vocal student the finishing touches and prepares them for a specific goal.


Learning to sing is a very intimate and personal matter. After all, voice, body, and mind are directly connected. This makes it all the more important that the chemistry between student and vocal coach is right.
Some female students prefer a female voice teacher, while others appreciate the contrast between men and women in lessons. Whether you feel more comfortable with a female or male teacher, you’ll find out in a free trial lesson.


What would you like to learn to sing?

Every voice teacher has their own style. The singing style depends primarily on training, but also on personal musical taste. Phrasing and timbre depend on the respective genre.

Classical singing differs significantly in technique from modern pop singing.

Voice Teachers for Rock Pop Jazz

The voice teachers at Munich Vocal Coaching are professionally active in the fields of Rock, Pop, and Jazz. We can help you if you’ve had classical singing lessons so far and would like to switch to pop. Maybe you’re a singer in a rock band and want to expand your vocal range with your voice teacher? You can also learn the gentle and virtuosic melodies in jazz here with your vocal coach.

Career or Hobby?

Regardless of what goal you’re pursuing with your singing lessons, regularity is the key to success.

Especially for beginners, feedback from a voice teacher is irreplaceable!

Only in the personal work between vocal coach and vocal student do technical deficits and further possibilities to improve the voice become apparent.

You should take sufficient time to prepare for an entrance exam, casting, or studio production.

You’ll get the best results through regular lessons and professional assistance from your voice teacher.


The voice teacher helps you achieve your goal. We bring you one step closer to your goal and help you improve. Together we work on your vocal technique, sing your favorite songs, and thus maintain the joy of singing!

In the comfortable teaching rooms, we give beginners and advanced singers the opportunity to develop their voice further or gain first experiences in voice and technique. A unit lasts 45 minutes and includes:

  • Warm-Up: physical and vocal
  • Breathing exercises
  • Voice exercises
  • Technique
  • Rhythm


What causes hoarseness when singing or speaking?

Hoarseness is often caused by uncontrolled tension in the vocal cords area. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the voice has been overstrained. Even if the voice sounds hoarse, it hasn’t necessarily suffered permanent damage.

Reasons for hoarseness when singing can be:

  • Singing or speaking with incorrect technique

  • Stress

  • Inflammation due to voice drying (e.g., from smoking)

  • Allergies that affect the voice

  • Beginning vocal nodules

If the voice is hoarse over a longer period, this can lead to edema. These are swellings of the vocal cord mucous membranes. This prevents the vocal cords from vibrating as quickly as usual. Edema also prevents the vocal cords from closing. This causes air leakage when singing or speaking.

For this reason, the voice sounds hoarse and has an airy and darker sound.

In singing lessons, you learn the right technique with which you can train your voice sustainably and thus prevent hoarseness. This gives you more endurance when singing or speaking.

If it turns out during singing lessons that the hoarseness is due to illness (inflammation, vocal nodules, edema, etc.), your teacher will advise you to visit an ENT doctor.

Common Breathing Mistakes

Deep breathing / abdominal and flank breathing is important when singing and speaking. This causes the diaphragm to lower when inhaling and fills the lungs with air. You can feel on your flanks and abdomen how the air flows deep into your body.

We train the breathing muscles so that we manage to keep the diaphragm down as long as possible and release the air as controlled as possible. This control is called “support” in singing lessons. 

For long notes, the support helps us to let only as much air escape as necessary. For short notes (e.g., staccato), the support provides the voice with a strong impulse.

Shallow Breathing

One of the most common mistakes in singing and speaking is so-called shallow breathing / high breathing. You feel how the air flows into your upper chest and your shoulders rise.


This effect often occurs in stressful situations. With shortness of breath caused by exertion or nervous strain, the movements of the upper body during breathing can be particularly noticeable.


This leads to only shallow breathing and the air flowing out too quickly. As a result, the body has only little air available for longer sentences or melodies.

Correctly Switching Between Chest Voice and Head Voice

The change between chest and head voice is called “register change” in singing lessons.
In some music styles, the audible break during the register change is intentional. Yodeling is a typical example. But this effect is also used as a stylistic device in country music.

In modern singing, an audible break is usually undesirable.

When singing, you might encounter a note that is too high for your chest voice. To continue controlling your voice, you must switch to head voice. The head voice sounds somewhat brighter and possibly thinner compared to the chest voice. However, you are able to sing higher notes without your throat feeling tight and cramped.

If you want to “switch” between both voices in a controlled way, you must first be able to work confidently with your head voice register. Only when you can use both voice registers deliberately can the break be smoothed out.

Your singing teacher will show you some exercises in the lessons on how to properly use your head voice and thereby increase your vocal range. They will help you find a “mixed voice” where chest and head voice seemingly “merge.”

This mixed sound (also called mixed voice) helps you flexibly switch between the available registers.

Do you have more questions?

Singing lessons is a broad field. In singing, small things and details often matter. These often have a very big effect. Send us a message with your questions so we can answer them during your trial lesson!


Costs for lessons with voice teachers from Munich Vocal Coaching

Economy Rate

With this rate, you prove to yourself and us that you really want to work seriously and long-term on your voice. Singing is like sports: Regular training creates a solid foundation for the best results.

With the Economy Rate, we offer you the best price for singing lessons at Munich Vocal Coaching.

Flex Rate

The Flex Rate adapts to your daily life and circumstances. Hardly any other music school offers you this possibility. You can terminate your contract with one month’s notice.

The Flex Rate is ideal for working professionals and ambitious students.

Economy Rate

Seriously and sustainably improve your voice

Contract duration: 12 months

Singing lessons

every two weeks

only € 105 / month

2 units of 45 minutes private lessons

Singing lessons


only € 149 / month

4 units of 45 minutes private lessons

Flex Rate

Flexible without contract duration

Monthly cancellation possible

Singing lessons

every two weeks

only € 129 / month

2 units of 45 minutes private lessons

Singing lessons


only € 189 / month

4 units of 45 minutes private lessons

Monthly Cancellation

Most music schools exclusively offer fixed contract terms of at least 6, more often 12 months. At Munich Vocal Coaching, you can quickly and easily respond to your needs and life situation. Therefore, you can cancel the contract in the Flex Rate monthly (notice period 4 weeks to the end of the month) (minimum contract term 2 months).

Save Now

In both rates, we guarantee you 38 lesson units in a school year (19 units for bi-weekly lessons). To ensure you always get the best price, we have distributed the tuition fee evenly over 12 months. This reduces the monthly burden. That’s what makes Munich Vocal Coaching’s rates so attractive.

Individual Lessons

Preparation for specific goals

Single lessons / 10-lesson card without contract commitment

Singing lessons by appointment

You can flexibly arrange each lesson appointment with your coach as needed. Without contract commitment, you can relaxedly test the lessons or treat yourself to the necessary impulses for your voice after consultation. Our individual lessons (Prepaid Coaching) are also popular for preparation for casting, audition, or entrance exams.

Individual lessons

By appointment

€ 89 / unit

45-minute private lesson units

10-lesson card

By appointment

€ 75 / unit

45-minute private lesson units

Online Contract

99% of our contracts are concluded online. After the trial lesson, we’ll send you the link to the online contract via email. This way you can quickly and easily register for singing lessons.

If you prefer it completely “oldschool,” you can also download the contract here, print it out, and bring it to your first lesson.

Important Information

Economy /
Flex Rate

  • We guarantee 38 lesson units per school year (19 units for bi-weekly lessons)
  • The monthly fee is to be considered as 1/12 of the annual fee
  • No lessons during holidays and on public holidays (Bavarian school holiday regulations)
  • Lessons cancelled by the teacher will be made up
  • If the student cannot attend a lesson, there is no entitlement to replacement
  • Bi-weekly lessons only possible subject to availability (with alternating partner)
  • Notice period Flex Rate: 4 weeks (to the end of the month / minimum contract term 2 months)
  • After expiry of the term (Economy Rate), the contract extends by one month at a time and can be terminated with 8 weeks notice
  • The fee is collected at the beginning of the month via SEPA direct debit

Individual Lessons (Prepaid Units)

  • Appointments only by arrangement and availability
  • The fee is due as a one-time payment before the first singing lesson
  • If a lesson is cancelled by the student too short notice (less than 24h in advance), the lesson is considered held and will be charged
  • If the student fails to appear, the lesson will also be charged
  • If a lesson is cancelled by the teacher, it will be made up or not charged
  • The above provisions also apply to prepaid hours through a gift voucher
  • Prepaid hours must be redeemed within 12 months of purchase
  • After expiry of validity, the claim expires
  • The prepaid units are non-refundable

Schedule your no-obligation trial lesson now

We look forward to meeting you! To get to know each other personally, send us a message through the contact form. You’ll receive feedback as soon as possible about which appointments are available for your singing lessons.

Amy Madeja

Vocal Coach

Als diplomierte Sängerin mit Erfahrung in Pop, Klassik und Rock unterrichtet Amy Anfänger sowie Profis. Neben ihrer Arbeit als Sängerin einer Rockband habe ich als Musiktherapeutin mit Kindern und Jugendlichen gearbeitet. Das hat ihr geholfen hat, Stress und emotionalen Herausforderungen im Unterricht besser zu begegnen. Diese Erkenntnisse gibt Amy auch im Gesangsunterricht an ihre Schüler weiter.

Sie ist spezialisiert auf ganzheitlichen Gesangsunterricht. Durch diesen besonderen Ansatz unterstützt sie ihre Schüler nicht nur stimmlich,
sondern fördert auch ihr Selbstwertgefühl.

Neben ihrem Beruf als Sängeirn und Gesangslehrerin spiele sie auch Kirchenorgel und begleitet regelmäßig Messen in Polen und Deutschland.

Ihre SchülerInnen beim Munich Vocal Coaching freuen sich über einen hochwertigen Unterricht der sie in allen Bereichen begeistert.